Getting the "Read With Me" program implemented into your school is free, easy, and fun. I have a quick five-step plan that you can use.
1. Please e-mail me about your interest. I will e-mail you the rules of the "Read With Me" program and the expectations of those involved.
2. Arrange a meeting with your school's prinicpal. Make a proposal to give him/her. You can use the one I send or create one of your own.
3. Contact your local elementary school's volunteer coordinator about involving them in "Read With Me".
4. Arrange a schedule and finalize it with your school's prinicpal and the volunteer coordinator at the elementary school.
5. Promote the program in your high school and generate interest and volunteers. Train them and let them know what is expected of them. Then, you are ready to begin!
You can contact me with my e-mail: Contact me if you have any questions at all! Thanks for your interest and have fun!
I am a woman who is loving life and fortune cookies. For 365 days, I will be eating a fortune cookie and recording the fortune contained within the delectable treat and how it pertains to my life that day.
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