Saturday, July 11, 2009

Special Olympics

Kylie Kofoed, Me, Kara Jackson, and Alli Lance at the Special Olympics

Many of the Miss Idaho contestants and I were invited to attend and perform at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Idaho Special Olympics. What a remarkable experience! The opening ceremonies were at the Hawks Stadium. At the opening ceremonies, Kylie, Kara, Alli, and I got to welcome the athletes as they walked around the baseball diamond. We were giving them high-fives, hugs, wishing them good luck, and telling them to have fun. And we got high-fives, hugs, and even kisses in return! When I saw the athletes walking into the stadium, I started to get a little teary. The Special Olympians are some of the most inspiring people that I have ever met. There is a spirit there unlike any other. Where everyone is loved simply for who they are and for trying to do their best. I love to be at the Special Olympics. The program and those who are involved in it are simply awe-inspiring.

Okay, so funny story...when Kara was performing her piece, her mic wasn't working. So, everyone in the stadium is looking at each other wondering what is going on. After she was done, Kara got to give an encore with a working mic and at the end, recieved a overwhelming applause. After the opening ceremonies were over, the four of us that were there took pictures with many of the athletes.

The next day, Genevive Nutting, Laura Nattress, Kylie Kofoed, and I attended the closing ceremonies of the Special Olympics. All four of us performed that night. The closing ceremonies actually started a half-hour late because the tech staff couldn't get Genevive's piano into the gym at Timberline High School. The tech staff ended up taking one of the gym doors apart to get the piano in. After the closing ceremonies were over, there was a dance held, which the four of us eagerly joined. It was such grand fun and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been part of the Special Olympics. Thank you!

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